Capizzuto, James R. *

Capizzuto, James R. *

‘Cappy’ Capizzuto joined the Sam H. Young American Legion Post drum and bugle corps in 1944, as mascot horn player. In a memorable ceremony, he played taps during the placement of a special monument in Yankee Stadium in memory of Babe Ruth. He helped start a drum and bugle corps at Gompers High School. He was chosen to support the C.A.P Air Force Drill Team and travelled with the various shows. He played soprano horn with New York Skyliners from 1956 to 1970. He returned to the Skyliners in 1980 in a support role, helping move equipment on and off the field, loading and unloading equipment and repairing equipment as required. Starting in 1983, he also participated as a member of the American flag honor guard, which won the best honor guard trophy in four Drum Corps Associates (DCA) championships and was chosen to lead the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. During this time, he helped Skyliners with fund raising activities and helped in the major refurbishing and restoration of the Garfield Post, which was home for the Skyliners at the time. He is a long time member of the Skyliners alumni association, chorus and alumni corps.