Bill Hoyt celebrated his 50th consecutive year in drum corps activity in 2012. First marching with the Troy, New York Boy’s Club and Skyliners junior drum and bugle corps in 1962 and 1963, he has been active ever since. He has played baritone horn with various northeastern corps located from western New York to Long Island, including the Interstatesmen, Springfield Marksmen, Syracuse Brigadiers, New York Skyliners, Troy Defenders, Long Island Sunrisers, Noble Callahan Capital Brass Ensemble and Rochester Crusaders. He also served for two years on the Crusaders board of directors. He has been show coordinator, drill writer or technician and winter color guard instructor for 10 high school marching bands. In 1996, he suggested to World Drum Corps Hall of Fame founder and charter president Vince Bruni that Hall of Fame membership criteria be broadened to include “the people who play the music, march drill, drum the parts and wave the banners.” His suggestion resulted in the creation of Associate Membership status. He is among the first group of new associate members who were inducted in 2001. At the time, he was marching with Rochester Crusaders.