Bourne, Larry

Bourne, Larry

Larry Bourne has been a member of the Baltimore, Maryland, Yankee Rebels family since he first marched in the color guard in 1966. He marched in the banner line of the competing corps until 1976 and has been a member of the alumni corps since 1977. He was color guard captain from 1974 to 1976, writing and teaching color guard drills. He also served as guard captain of the alumni corps, writing and teaching drill, from 1987 to 2002. He helped with bingo games for 17 years, including a decade of running the bingo operation to help the Yankee Rebels pay expenses. He also helped organize the March of Champions and was a member of the Dixie Stinger show staff for more than 10 years. He was a member of the Yankee Rebels staff for most of the years between 1987 and 2002. He was assistant drum major from 2000 to 2002, helping direct and teaching marching and maneuvering. Since 2003, he has been a cymbal player with the alumni corps. He has been an officer of the Yankee Rebels alumni for 13 years, including nine as president. He helped develop a program to honor deceased members during an annual memorial service, and runs other events associated with the alumni group, including a crab feast, Christmas party, Ocean City weekend, raffles and dances. He has represented the Yankee Rebels on the Great Alliance of Seniors (GAS) board for more than 10 years, and co-chaired the GAS reunion in Hagerstown, Maryland in 2002 and the 2009 event in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He was elected vice president of GAS in 2006. He is a charter member and current treasurer of Drum Corps Affiliates of Maryland, which supports the Maryland Hall of Fame and its inductees. He was inducted into the Maryland Hall of Fame in 2005.