Paul Chaffee has performed with corps from two distinct areas: the midwest and the deep south. Beginning in 1967, he spent several years with Racine Boy Scouts and Racine Explorers, the Boys of ‘76 and Minnesota Brass, then jumped to the deep south to perform with Bayou City Blues. Over the years since 1979, he has been assistant director and treasurer with Boys of ‘76, and corps director of Minnesota Brass, Bayou City Blues and Racine Scouts. He has also, at various times, been visual instructor, music instructor and show co-coordinator. He has been president of the North Star Guard Circuit; Minnesota Brass representative to Drum Corps Associates (DCA) since 1991, and member of the DCA championship committee since 1989, a member of Drum Corps International’s (DCI) Division II and III board of directors, and board member/treasurer of DCM. He has received the Brassy Award, considered as the Minnesota Brass Hall of Fame and lifetime achievement award.